Hello :)
Danas ću da vam prikažem novitete koje sam kupila tokom meseca septembra. Kupovala sam Golden Rose lakiće iz Wow kolekcije, morala sam da kupim nešto novo od Aure i da poručim ponešto iz Avona i Oriflamea. U nastavku pogledajte čega sve tu ima...
I will show you today some new stuff that I bought during month of September. I bought some Golden Rose polishes from Wow collection, I had to try new polishes from Aura, and I ordered something from Avon and Oriflame. If you keep reading, you will see what is all that...
Danas ću da vam prikažem novitete koje sam kupila tokom meseca septembra. Kupovala sam Golden Rose lakiće iz Wow kolekcije, morala sam da kupim nešto novo od Aure i da poručim ponešto iz Avona i Oriflamea. U nastavku pogledajte čega sve tu ima...
I will show you today some new stuff that I bought during month of September. I bought some Golden Rose polishes from Wow collection, I had to try new polishes from Aura, and I ordered something from Avon and Oriflame. If you keep reading, you will see what is all that...