Friday, October 3, 2014

YouTube Friday #1

Hello :)

Petak. Jedan od mojih najdražih dana u nedelji. Dan kada dođete iz škole, sa posla (ako ne radite vikendom :D) i sednete da se odmorite pre dva teška neradna dana :D Ova rubrika je smišljena baš za to vreme. Sedite, skuvajte kafu, nes ili čaj (možete i sve zajedno, ako to preferirate :D) i uživajte u mom izboru YouTube kanala i klipova :)

Friday. One of my dearest days in a week. Day when you come from school, workplace (unless you work on weekends :D) and sit down to relax and prepare for two lazy days :D This column is made for that time. Sit down, make yourselves coffee, nescafe or tea (or everything at once if you prefer :D) and enjoy my selection of YouTube channels and videos :)

1. Bailey Van Der Veen

Prelepa žena, prelepa šminka. Ima jako prijatan glas, zaista je milina i gledati i slušati. Link do kanala - KLIK.

Beautiful woman, beautiful make up. She has very pleasant voice, you will love her. Link to her channel - CLICK.

Video koji morate pogledati/Video you have to see:

2. Grav3yardgirl

Svesna sam da Bunny ili volite ili mrzite, a ja je obožavam! Beskrajno mi je zabavna i njene klipove ne propuštam. Upozorenje - smanjite zvučnike kad je gledate, jako je glasna :D Link do kanala - KLIK.

I am aware that you either love Bunny or you hate her, and I adore her! I find her very funny and I never skip on her videos. Caution - turn the volume down, she is very loud :D Link to her channel - CLICK.

Video koji morate pogledati (bilo je jako teško izabrati)/Video you have to see (it was very hard to choose):

3. PewDiePie

Muška verzija Bunny, nemam šta da dodam :D Link do kanala - KLIK.

Male version of Bunny, I have nothing else to say :D Link to his channel - CLICK.

Video koji morate pogledati/Video you have to see:

4. Roseybelle

Preslatka devojka. Trenutno ima malo klipova na kanalu, ali ja verujem da će ovaj kanal da uspe na internacionalnom nivou :) Link do kanala - KLIK.

Cute girl. She has only six videos for now, but I believe that this channel will be known worldwide soon :) Link to her channel - CLICK.

Video koji morate pogledati/Video you have to see:

5. The Belle Adventures

Belle volim da gledam jer je jako opuštena i prirodna pred kamerom. Kanal joj je pun pozitivne energije. Link do kanala - KLIK.

I love to watch Belle because she looks like she is born with camera in her hands. Her channel is filled with positive energy. Link to her channel - CLICK.

Video koji morate pogledati/Video you have to see:

*Napomena: Ovo nisu svi kanali koje pratim - ima još jednako dobrih kanala, samo nisam želela da ih sve odjednom predstavim :)

*Warning: These are not all channels that I am subscribed to - there are more equally good ones, I just didn't want to show you all at once :)

Za kraj jedno obaveštenje - moj kanal je na drugoj adresi jer sam morala da menjam mail iz praktičnih razloga. Pozivam sve koji su bili subscribovani da se pretplate na novi kanal. Trenutno je dosta pusto, ali napuniće se :) Link: KLIK.

For the end I have one announcement to make - my channel is on other place now because I had to change my mail address. If you were subscribed, I invite you to subscribe again on my new channel. It is pretty much empty at the moment, but I will put some stuff there :) Link: CLICK.

Kako vam se dopada nova rubrika? Preporučite mi neke kanale koje volite :) Čitamo se ;)

How do you like my new column? Recommend your favorite channels :) See ya soon ;)


  1. Ive been planning to do a post like this too cause there are so many wonderful youtubers out there :)
    I have to agree with you, either you love Bunny or you hate her and just like you... I adore her :) She always make me laugh :D

    1. Yeah, Bunny is awesome! :) I would love to read a post like this on your blog :)


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